How to write an endnote for mutiple cites in one sentence
How to write an endnote for mutiple cites in one sentence

how to write an endnote for mutiple cites in one sentence

Broad historiographical debates that would be overwhelming in the body of the essay.The original language of a translated quotation.Definitions of terms and concepts based on scholarly research.Further explanation or background that is not strictly relevant to your argument.In addition to listing sources, notes can also serve as a place to put supplementary information that is not appropriate in the main text of your essay or might distract your reader from your main argument. Controversial or contested information.Statistical information or other specific information that is not commonly known.Quotations, paraphrases, arguments and unique ideas.Provide notes specifying your sources for the following: You must give credit where credit is due. Scholars work extremely hard to produce books and articles. Failing to acknowledge the words or ideas of others, and leaving the impression that they are your own, is a very serious offence. Notes tell your reader where you found your information and enable your reader to explore your ideas in more depth. Acknowledging the work of other historians is an essential part of the process of writing a research essay. Notes are references listed at the bottom of a page (footnote) or at the end of a research essay (endnote) that document sources or provide additional information to your reader.

how to write an endnote for mutiple cites in one sentence

The purpose of this module is to introduce you to the correct formats for notes and bibliographies in history essays. Different academic disciplines require different methods of citation. Failure to cite your sources properly will result in a reduced or failing grade. Proper documentation of sources is essential to a strong research essay. Footnotes and Bibliographies Introduction to Documentation

How to write an endnote for mutiple cites in one sentence